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Michael Massey

Nuclear Energy in Tri-Cities Should Be Part of Any Long Term Plan

Tri-Cities, with its rich history and expertise in the nuclear field, is the perfect place to incorporate more nuclear energy into our overall energy plan.

Benefits of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is the safest and most efficient energy source, Real Clear Energy has reported. It requires the least amount of material as well as the least amount of land to create a large amount of energy. Even just in terms of space, nuclear energy should be considered far more beneficial than wind.

To create energy from wind, an enormous amount of space is required. Wind farms take up space and can be viewed for miles. They are unsightly and wasteful. Birds suffer with the imposition of windmills.

Nuclear energy could replace wind eliminating the need for the miles upon miles of unattractive metal windmills. Wind turbines and solar panels are also weather dependent, which nuclear is not.

“Unlike intermittent solar and wind energy, nuclear power plants can operate virtually continuously to provide a steady source of electricity,” Vijay Jayaraj wrote for Real Clear Energy. “In the United States, for example, nuclear plants have an average capacity factor of over 93 percent, compared to around 35 percent for wind power and even less for solar.”

The Drawbacks of Wind Energy

Wind energy requires enormous amounts of space. Wind farms take up space and can be viewed for miles. They are unsightly and wasteful. Birds suffer with the imposition of windmills.

Expertise in Tri-Cities

In Tri-Cities, WA we are fortunate to have many experts in nuclear energy. By developing partnerships between the public sector and the private sector, a new energy plan that includes a significant portion of nuclear energy could be possible.

Leadership and Collaboration

Benton PUD candidate, Mike Massey, says he can lead this effort by building relationships and working collaboratively.

“We have great resources here,” Massay says. “Why would we not take advantage of that?”

It will take a collaborative effort. The Benton PUD is one player, but a new energy plan will go far beyond our local control. “The nuclear power industry needs to be the focus by federal, state and local leaders,” Massey says.

The Future of Energy

It’s worth the effort though as we know the growth in our area and in our state will put pressure on current levels of energy. Nuclear energy could solve this problem. “There is no other way to double the power supply to meet demand by 2050,” Massey says. “Only a concerted effort to rebuild the nuclear power industry (with its supplier base) can achieve our aims of low cost, reliable, and environmentally sound energy for future industry and economic development.”

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